Trump Administration To Transform Rural Health To Its Culmination


Trump Administration has come up with a new plan to transform the rural health care of the nation. It will incorporate innovation with better funding so that both the accessibility and quality are on its way to improvement. The CHART (Community Health Access And Rural Transformation) is set to make things perfect for Rural healthcare. According to the President’s executive order, the mission and vision of this initiative are to increase recovery options, boost healthcare flexibilities, and get ample technical support.

According to the recent reports, there is an ever-increasing rate of preventable diseases in the rural areas compared to the urban areas who face a lot less challenge. There are problems like healthcare worker shortage, lack of technical support, and the low retention rate of medical professionals.

Community Transformation Track- the working mechanism

The Trump administration is investing 75 million dollars across 15 rural communities to unleash the Community Commission Track. This is one step toward strengthening the communities and bringing holistic development in the entire so that healthcare is no longer a privilege for the rich. This is an ideal model that will bring ample emergency rooms as well as an operational unit. Besides, this model will also facilitate the wavering of cost-sharing among hospitals. In September, the 15 communities’ short listing will be done by the CMS, and the schedule will start by the summer of 2021.

Accountable Care Organization Transformation Track

This model will invest its time and money in investigating the rural healthcare policies’ loopholes, thereby improving the outcome. In the last three years, the AIM or the Aco Investment Model has been able to change the scenario and save about 382 million dollars. Based on AIM, ACO transformation will set up the arrangement and also make use of the waivers in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP).

The working mechanism of CMS:

CMS participated in CY 2021 Physical fee schedule proposed rule issued on 4th Aug 2020 and will work for the extension of telemedicine features.

Increasing the wage index for low wage hospitals to improve quality and recovery rate. The low wage will bring more talented medical professionals and boost patient access to better medical facilities.

Critical Access Hospitals to fund therapeutic services in rural areas and ensure online physician presence, thereby giving better care to patients.